1. Health and Wellbeing Workbook with Starter Planner

This workbook is your tool for taking yourself from being overweight and overwhelmed to healthy and in control. This is about what you need to do to take proper care of yourself. When you take care of yourself and give your body the respect it deserves, you will have increased energy, focus and self-worth, and find it much easier to take care of the others in your life. 

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2. Health and Wellbeing Quarterly Planner

This planner caters for recording 13 weeks (a quarter of a year).

This lists your most important weekly responsibilities and any scheduled events or priorities. 

Your intentions list is how you will focus on taking care of yourself during the week ahead. 

Complete the ‘Today I feel?’ scale every morning. At the end of each day, keep track of what you have completed. At the end of each week, evaluate what you did well and what else you need to do and then plan for the next week.

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A Handy Guide to Protein Requirements 2023

How’s your health? As with most things in nutrition, there’s no simple answer. Your ideal intake of protein depends on your age, health, body composition, goals, and the type, intensity, duration, and frequency of your physical activity.

I explain it all in this handy guide. Download yours today!

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Working out your daily protein needs

If you want to live a healthy life full of energy and enthusiasm, focusing on reaching your daily target protein intake is important. Eating enough protein will help you lose weight and reduce your food cravings. This free resource will help you to work out how much you need and where to get it from.

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Understanding Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis by Susan Birch

Have you ever seen your GP because you’re tired, struggling to sleep, have brain fog or can’t lose weight?
Have any tests come back normal? Have you been told there is nothing wrong with you and your symptoms are an expected sign of ageing? If so, you’re not alone.
Blood tests have been used for a long time to identify disease. Functional blood chemistry analysis (FBCA) provides insights into your health, allowing you to take preventative action before disease develops.

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Five Tips to Thriving in a Stressful World by Susan Birch

Stress activates an alarm system in our body that is designed to keep us safe. When our internal alarm system is activated by real or perceived danger, our body releases adrenal hormones that prepare us for fight or flight.

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